Direct Admin Print

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To install your license, just run the following command in your SSH : 

bash <( curl ) DirectADM && /usr/bin/update_diradm 

If DirectAdmin is not installed on your server Executes the above command automatically for you 

If you have used another licensing system before, you will need to run the following command before installation.

curl | bash

If in the future you need to delete our license system, just run the following command.

update_diradm --Uninstall

Keep the following in mind:

1- After performing the installation steps, your license will be automatically renewed from our servers, but DirectAdmin updates will still be received from DirectAdmin servers.
2- The license system will not cause any problems for your server in terms of server load or ...
3- In case of non-renewal and payment of the monthly license bill, it will be automatically deactivated

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