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7 Things You Can Do To Get More Clients as a Web Designer


When you’re a web designer, marketing yourself and acquiring clients is the key to success. In this post, we’ll take a look at seven things that web designers can do to get more clients and become successful in their field.

1. Create a Portfolio Website

One of the best ways to get more clients as a web designer is to create your own portfolio website.

Here’s why:

  • It will show off your skills and talent. Clients want to see what you can do, and they want to know that they will be getting their money’s worth when they hire you. Your portfolio site is an excellent way for them to preview some of your work before deciding whether or not they want to work with you in person.
  • It tells people about yourself. Your portfolio site isn’t just about showcasing your work; it’s also an opportunity for potential clients (or anyone else who visits) to learn more about who you are as a designer and how much value-addition they could expect from hiring you over someone else on Upwork or another freelancer platform. This makes it easier for them think “this person seems like someone I would enjoy working with.”
  • It helps people find out more about what services are available at different price points so that everyone gets exactly what’s needed without overpaying or underpaying too much (or anything). For example, if someone needs a logo but has no idea how much something like this should cost them, having examples will help better inform those looking at these types of projects which ones may be most suitable based on budget requirements instead of just assuming everything costs $100-$200 dollars per hour.”

2. Write a Blog

  • Write a Blog
  • Set up an email list and use it to connect with your audience
  • Build up a social media following.

3. Start an Email List

Email is still the best way to reach your audience.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience, and it can be very profitable for you if you’re using it correctly. You don’t need a massive list of millions of subscribers in order for email marketing to work its magic; in fact, research shows that companies with fewer than 5,000 subscribers see an average revenue per customer (ARPC) increase of over $100! There are many ways you can start building an email list:

  • Create an email signup form on your website (and include a link at the bottom of each page)
  • Use social media profiles like Facebook Ads Manager or Instagram’s new ads platform
  • Create free ebooks or other content and offer them as opt-in incentives

4. Network With Social Media

You should use social media to build relationships with potential clients, promote your business, share your expertise and knowledge, share your work, and answer questions and troubleshoot.

If you’re a web designer looking for more clients, this is one of the most important things you can do.

5. Create Visuals for Social Media

While social media is an incredible tool for reaching out to potential customers, it’s also important to remember that visual content is key in a digital world. If your website design business doesn’t have anything visually appealing on its social media platforms, you’re doing yourself a disservice and missing out on potential clients. Here are some of the best ways you can use visuals to attract more business:

  • Create Instagram posts with images of your work and ask followers what they think! This will help build trust with potential clients and show them that you’re dedicated to creating quality designs.
  • Post videos of yourself explaining how you approach each project from start to finish (especially if this isn’t something most people do in your industry). This shows potential clients that not only do you know what you’re talking about but also gives them insight into how busy web designers operate during non-client hours—which may be useful information if they ever want us as part of their team!
  • Create infographics or short animations explaining how your process works or other relevant topics like why certain features were included in particular projects (and why those features matter).

6. Send Out Personalized Proposals

  • Use a template.

A generic proposal is the easiest thing in the world to write, but it’s not very effective. It’s also not personalized at all. A personalized proposal is more effective because it shows clients that you really are interested in their project, and they’ll be more likely to use your services if they feel like you’re putting them first (instead of writing up another generic “let me design something for you” message).

  • Include links to your portfolio website, blog, email list signup page, and social media profiles on every platform that makes sense for your business (see #1). This information gives potential clients an easy way to learn about what kind of work you do before making an appointment with you—and even if they don’t read everything or get lost on one site or another during their search process, having these reference points will make sure they have enough information so they don’t feel confused when talking with someone who may know less than them about web design!

7. Start a Podcast

A podcast is another great way to market your services. You can use it to show off your expertise, build trust with potential clients, and give them a glimpse into the kind of work you do.

Spend some time recording episodes until you feel comfortable enough with it that you don’t mind people listening in on your conversations as they happen. Audio quality is not important; what matters most is content and presentation. Once you’ve created a few episodes, post them online or on iTunes so people can listen while they commute or exercise or clean the house—you get the idea!

Web Designers need to market themselves and focus on client acquisition.

You need to stand out from the crowd and be able to show potential clients what you can do for them.

You need to convince them that you are the right person for the job.

You also have to show that you are professional and trustworthy.


These are just a few of the many things you can do to get more clients as a web designer. The key to success is to never stop trying and always be thinking about how you can improve your business.


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