Web designers are a special type of freelancer. We don’t have the luxury of picking and choosing our clients like graphic designers or copywriters do. We also don’t get as much feedback from our work because it’s not quite as tangible as an oil painting or a line of code. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get more clients! In fact, there are some easy ways to do just that:
1. Create a killer web portfolio
The first step on the road to getting more clients as a web designer is to create a killer portfolio. Your portfolio should include the best of your work and show off your skills at their finest. Make sure that you have enough projects in your portfolio so that potential clients can see what kind of work you do.
It’s also important to keep your portfolio up to date with current projects, but don’t let new work take over everything else in your portfolio! That will make it more difficult for potential clients who want to see all of the different types of projects that you can do.
Make sure that the design is professional looking, shows off your personality and speaks clearly about what type of style or tone they can expect from any other websites done by yourself or someone else on your team (if applicable). Use good keywords in titles and descriptions so that when people search Google they will find these pages easily!
2. Get into a routine of daily marketing activities
If you want to get more clients, you need to be marketing your business every day. This means that you should be doing something each and every day that helps generate new leads and sales.
I know that this sounds like a lot of work, but don’t worry: It won’t take up too much time for most people. You just have to find the right activities for your situation and stick with them long enough before they start paying off!
3. Send proposals and follow up on a regular basis
Sending proposals is one of the most effective ways to get clients as a web designer. When you send a proposal, you’re showing off your skills, and it also gives you an opportunity to learn more about the client’s business or project needs.
Your proposal should be short and sweet—no more than two pages. You don’t want to overload your potential client with information; in fact, it might be best to leave out some details at first so that they’ll have an incentive to contact you for more information (and hopefully hire you!).
Make sure that any links in your proposal have clear descriptions of what users will see when they click on them. If possible, include screenshots of previous work or examples from similar projects as well as testimonials from previous clients.
Finally, always send proposals via email rather than by mail—it’s cleaner and faster!
4. Contact clients directly
You’ve got a great portfolio and you’re ready to reach out to clients. You’ve got the perfect email address for your business, and you’re ready to write some proposals. But there’s one thing missing: You haven’t actually contacted anyone yet!
You need to get in touch with potential clients directly so that they know who you are and what services/products you offer. This is where many web designers fail, because it’s intimidating at first, but once you do it a few times, it becomes second nature just like any other part of running your business (and if anything goes wrong along the way, here’s how best practices).
The key thing here is persistence—if someone doesn’t respond right away after contacting them via email or phone call (depending on what kind of customer they are), follow up again later in the week or month until they do respond back–then keep following up until they do respond back!
5. Visit design communities like Dribbble
Dribbble is a community for designers to share their work and get feedback. It’s a great place to find new clients, network with other designers, get feedback on your work, and even get hired.
The web design industry is pretty small, so it’s easy for people in the community to spot talent when they see it. If you show some of your best work on Dribbble (be sure not to post anything that isn’t yours), people will start recognizing your name and want to hire you because of your reputation as someone who knows what they’re doing.
6. Get your work covered (free press)
I highly recommend that you get your work covered by as many sources as possible. This will help raise awareness about you and your company, which in turn will lead to more leads for new clients.
The best way to do this is by building relationships with journalists who write about your industry, but there are other ways too, like writing guest posts for blogs or submitting stories on Reddit. I’ll talk about how all of these things tie back into getting more clients later on in this article.
7. Attend Meetups and other business events
Attending meetups is a great way to meet other people in your industry, both for networking and for learning. You can share your own knowledge, learn from others, network with other professionals and find out about new trends and technologies.
Attending meetups will also help build your reputation as an expert in your field, which will make it easier for you to attract clients over time.
8. Educate yourself
- Educate yourself
- Learn from others: The best way to get better is to learn from those who have already achieved your goal. Look at their work, read articles they’ve written, and study how they got where they are now.
- Learn from your own mistakes: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you’re learning—they’re just opportunities for improvement! Don’t waste time beating yourself up over them; instead, focus on learning from them and moving forward as a result of that lesson learned.
- Read books/articles: There are tons of great books out there about web design (our team recommends Start With Why) that can help inspire you—and even teach you new skills! If reading isn’t really your thing (or if you don’t have time), there are plenty of high-quality online courses available too like Lynda that offer an affordable way for designers everywhere to gain knowledge without leaving home
Now that you know how to be a web designer, it’s time to get some clients. This is not an easy process, but if you’re willing to work hard and put in the hours then it will be worth it.
Here are some things that I did:
- Create a killer web portfolio with examples of my best work (and even my worst). Nothing sells like confidence and showing off your skills! You don’t need much more than an online resume and a few sample pages from your site design projects.
- Join forums where people talk about web design (in my case, the GetSatisfaction community). This will help you develop relationships with potential clients who might need your services for their businesses or personal websites! You’ll also learn about new trends in web design by reading articles written by other designers too so make sure not miss any important discussions going on right now 🙂
So there you have it. These are our top tips for getting more clients as a web designer. We hope that you’ve found them useful and will be able to build upon them in your own way! Good luck!