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How to learn to design a nice and beautiful UI for websites?

Anonymous person typing on laptop with web design program displayed on screen. UI UX website layout design concept

If you want to create a beautiful UI, then it’s time to invest some time in the process. There are many things that can go wrong when designing websites and apps. You might spend hours on them only for someone else to come along and mess up everything. But if you know what kind of design looks good in which situation and has what features built-in, then your site will look great even if someone else uses it!

Invest time in choosing good color themes.

The first thing you should do is to choose a color scheme that is consistent and clear. It’s important that all elements in your design are easy to read, so make sure the colors are in the same family (i.e., if one element uses red, another might use blue). If you can see the relationship between them at a glance, this will help reduce confusion for users when they try to navigate your site or app.

When choosing colors for UI elements like buttons and links, it’s also helpful if they work well together—if there are too many different hues or shades of one color used throughout an interface then it can cause confusion among users who don’t know what each individual component looks like yet!

Focus on usability: Your site needs to serve a function for your visitors.

  • Focus on usability: Your site needs to serve a function for your visitors.
  • Make sure the site is easy to navigate: The navigation bar at the top of a page should be simple and well-organized, with links that lead directly to where they’re needed (i.e., not sprinkled randomly throughout).
  • Be consistent across all pages of the website: Keep all your content in one place! It’s easier for users if they don’t have to keep jumping around between different sections of your site or even within one section because everything is organized correctly—they’ll feel more comfortable knowing exactly where everything is located and can find what they’re looking for quickly without having to worry about being lost somewhere along the way (or worse: clicking on something accidentally).

Spend time learning about typography and color.

When it comes to choosing fonts, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider the purpose of your site—does it need something more formal or casual? Then decide whether you want your text white or black. If you’re designing a logo or other graphic elements that don’t necessarily have to be legible by themselves (like icons), then using Helvetica Neue Light Condensed would be an excellent choice because its low contrast makes it hard for users’ eyes to find those small details on the screen.

You should also think about how much space each typeface takes up on screen compared with another one; this can make all the difference between feeling cluttered or cohesive as well as making sure that none of them get lost in translation when they’re displayed together at various sizes and distances from each other across multiple screens/devices since everyone’s viewing experience will vary depending on their current environment In terms of color theory: try not overdo it with too many shades of blue unless you have a reason for doing so (e.g., if there’s already plenty). Choosing just two colors per design element is usually enough unless someone specifically asks for more variety–then go ahead!

Get inspired by looking at other sites, but don’t copy them.

The first step in learning design is to look at other sites, but don’t copy them. It’s okay to admire the work of others and think about what you would do differently if you were them (or even what you would do if you were an exact duplicate of them).

When I was learning how to design a UI for a website, I looked at both my favorite sites and least favorite ones. The former helped me get inspired with their designs; the latter helped me understand where I needed improvement in mine!

Use good quality images and videos.

When you design a UI, it’s important to use good quality images and videos. The first thing that you should do is find out what kind of images or videos are used on your competition website. You can do this by checking their Google Analytics reports or simply by looking at the source code of their site (you can find this information in internet explorer).

When designing an e-commerce website, it’s also helpful to include some nice photos of products in order to draw attention from customers who visit this site every day. If possible, try not to use copyrighted images from other websites because they might get accused of copyright infringement if they’re found out later on by Google Webmaster Tools tool which checks for any duplicate content found within a given domain name(s).

You can make a beautiful UI if you invest some time in it.

  • Use good quality images and videos
  • Focus on usability, not design.
  • Spend time learning about typography and color.
  • Get inspired by looking at other sites, but don’t copy them!


This is the end of our article. We hope that you have learned a lot and can apply these tips to your own website. Good luck!


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