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Year: 2020

Can I qualify for an EV certificate?

The main criteria for qualifier for an EV certificate would be that your business...

How can I get a Green Address Bar for my website?

The only way to get the green address bar on your website is with...

What is an Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate?

EV stands for Extended Validation and is the most premium type of SSL certificate...

What is an Organization Validated (OV) SSL Certificate?

An Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificate requires that a business complete a light vetting...

What is a Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificate?

A Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificate is a quick and easy way to secure...

What is SSL?

SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer, is a cyber-security protocol that digitally encrypts...

Web Hosting in Zimbabwe- Who is the best?

We have relied on the international community for so long. Needed a domain name?...