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Top Ways To Get The Most Bang For Your Buck During A Recession


If you’re like me, then this last decade-plus of economic recovery has been a roller coaster ride. We’ve seen the housing bubble burst, unemployment rise, and job growth stall out after years of strong growth. This can make it harder than ever to get ahead financially—but with a little creativity and some forethought, we can all survive this recession without losing our homes or going bankrupt!

Cut back on your expenses

In a recession, you can get the most bang for your buck by spending less. The first step to saving money is to look at how much you’re currently spending and see if there are ways you can cut down on your expenses. To do this, make a list of all of your monthly expenses and then cross out unnecessary items in red or highlight them in yellow.

  • You might be able to cut back on things like food, transportation (including gas), or entertainment costs by making small changes such as taking public transportation instead of driving or bringing lunch with you instead of going out every day.
  • If you do still have some discretionary income leftover after cutting back on the essentials, consider buying staples in bulk so that they last longer between shopping trips—this will help keep costs down while still providing convenience!
  • When shopping for non-essentials like clothing and electronics that aren’t necessary but would be nice to have around for special occasions/holidays like birthdays/Christmas etc., it may be helpful to wait until these events actually happen before buying anything–this way we’ll know exactly what we need without going overboard!

Save money on your commute.

Here are some ways you can get the most out of your car:

  • Take public transport instead. The price of gas has been on the rise since 2008, and it’s only going to keep climbing. If you have a commute that’s long enough to make driving worth it, consider taking public transport instead. It’s cheaper, more energy-efficient and less stressful than driving in heavy traffic. You’ll also save money on parking fees and vehicle maintenance costs!
  • Walk or bike where you can. It’s well known that walking or biking short distances is better for both your body (and mind) than driving everywhere — but did you know that it can also save money? While biking may seem like an expensive hobby when compared with other leisure activities such as movies or eating out at restaurants, bikes don’t require fuel or insurance—which means they’re pretty affordable overall! They’re also easy to maintain so there won’t be any unexpected costs down the line either

Eliminate “luxury” foods and drinks.

The easiest way to save money on food is to eliminate “luxury” foods and drinks. You know the ones: bottled water, expensive coffee, artisanal bread. If you can’t live without these things, try making them yourself and buying cheaper brands instead. Or just cut them out altogether—no one likes feeling like they have to drink $5 lattes every day or eat organic kale salads for lunch every week.

If you do eat out often (and I’m not judging), consider sharing meals with friends or coworkers instead of ordering your own dish. This will save both time and money! And if you’re craving something specific that’s not on the menu at your favorite restaurant? Order one entrée shared between two people instead of two entrees separately ordered! Many restaurants will accommodate this request (especially if they see this as an opportunity to earn more money), so don’t be afraid to ask!

Buy staples in bulk.

One of the most effective ways to save money during a recession is through bulk shopping. This can be done at your local supermarket, drug store and even online. Buying in bulk will help you save both time and money. Bulk buying allows you to purchase larger quantities of certain items that you use regularly without having to make multiple trips across town (or state) just for one item each time. Plus, when it comes to food products such as canned goods or boxed dry mixes for baked goods these items often come with an expiration date so by buying them in bulk you can get more bang for your buck.

So what should I buy in bulk? Well there are many things that would be worth checking out but here are some ideas:

  • Toilet paper: Buy large packs instead of several smaller ones because they’re less expensive per unit
  • Hairspray/body spray: These products don’t go bad quickly so they make great candidates for purchase in bulk

Avoid impulse buys.

While we’re on the topic of impulse buys, let’s talk about why they have such a negative impact on your budget.

In a nutshell: They are expensive. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. It’s that simple. The less money you spend on things like toothpaste and toilet paper (yes, I said toilet paper), the more cash you’ll have to put toward other expenses or investments in your future. And if something is not on your list of must-buy items, then don’t even think about putting it in your shopping cart!

There’s no doubt that this advice can be hard to follow during tough times when every penny counts—but trust me; after doing this for awhile—and saving up some extra cash—you’ll find yourself feeling lighter than ever before by having fewer things taking up space in your house or apartment…and finally feeling like you’re getting ahead financially instead of falling behind!

Shop second-hand.

If you’re looking for a way to save money during a recession, buying second-hand is the way to go. Instead of buying everything brand new from new car dealerships and retail stores, you can get used versions of your favorite things at a fraction of the cost. This includes books, clothes and furniture; cars; appliances; electronics; toys. Here are some tips:

  • Books: Shop thrift stores in person or online! You’ll find plenty at Goodwill®, Salvation Army® and other similar organizations. They also have online book resale sites like BookScouter that will tell you exactly how much each book would cost if you were buying it new instead of used (and sometimes even cheaper).
  • Clothes: Thrift stores are great places to pick up stylish clothing items at affordable prices. Whether it’s fall or wintertime there are always deals on coats, jackets and sweaters because people tend to buy them when those seasons start coming around again so they’re not getting much use out of them anymore by then (especially if they live somewhere cold). Plus some stores even offer coupons on their websites too which makes shopping even more fun! If you need help finding one near where you live check out our website here: [link]. Other options include yard sales held by individual households who may need extra cash during tough financial times like today’s economy does too – so keep this in mind when thinking about ways we can help each other out financially without hurting ourselves too badly in return 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!![…]

Live below your means in terms of rents, mortgages, and student loans.

  • Live below your means in terms of rents, mortgages, and student loans. When you are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of moving into that new apartment or house. But consider how long it will take for you to pay off that mortgage or student loan debt if your income drops suddenly because of a layoff or illness.
  • If possible, rent should not exceed 30% of your income (and 10% is preferable). If you can’t find a place for less than 30%, look into whether there are any rent control laws on the books where you live. If so, see if there is an exemption for single people with no children who want to live alone rather than sharing an apartment or house with roommates. This will save money on utilities (such as heat) while allowing you more freedom in choosing where exactly in town or outlying areas that works best for commuting purposes—and probably increase job prospects as well!
  • Mortgage payments should not exceed 25% of gross monthly income

Get smart about property taxes and repairs.

If you’re renting a property, your landlord is likely the one who pays property taxes. But if you own your own home, those taxes could be a large part of your budget. Property tax rates can vary widely based on where you live and how much (or little) money the local government has to work with each year.

Luckily for homeowners, there are ways to get some of this money back in the form of deductions when filing taxes at the end of the year. For example:

  • Homeowners who have made substantial improvements to their homes may be able to deduct part or all of those improvements from their property taxes by claiming them as exemptions on their federal income tax returns. These include major renovations like adding on rooms or building decks—but not smaller projects like installing new kitchen cabinets or painting walls!
  • If an elderly person lives alone in an apartment complex and doesn’t have very many utility expenses because they don’t need extra heating/cooling systems installed inside their place (which could cost thousands), then being able to claim those savings each year when filing for deductions could mean big savings down the road!

Know your credit score so you can get the right amount of debt when you need it.

Knowing your credit score is important because it can help you decide how much debt you should take out. Credit scores are a number between 300 and 850 that lenders use to determine the risk of lending money to someone. If your score is low, it means that you’re more likely to default on a loan and not pay back what you owe.

A high credit score means that creditors see you as a good risk—and they’ll be more likely to approve loans for things like homes or cars if they know that they can count on getting paid back quickly. A low credit score will make it harder for people with poor histories of repaying debt in the past (like those who’ve had their cars repossessed) from getting access to financing at all by making them seem like bigger risks than other consumers who have better histories with their finances.”

Getting a handle on how much debt you can handle is an important part of surviving any recession

Getting a handle on how much debt you can handle is an important part of surviving any recession. The best way to keep your finances in order is to know what you owe and be able to pay it back.

Knowing your credit score will help you decide whether or not taking out a loan is worth it. A low credit score could make getting approved for a loan difficult, high interest rates could mean that paying off the loan becomes more expensive than if you had borrowed less money from the start.


The key to getting through a recession and coming out stronger on the other side is to first understand that it’s going to happen. As long as you are prepared for the worst, you can do all of these things I listed above in order to save money on your bills during this time. You might not be able to save as much as you would like but if you keep focused on what matters most then chances are good that tomorrow will be brighter than today


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