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4 Ways To Save During The Recession


The economy is tough. In fact, it’s probably one of the toughest things we’ve faced as a nation since The Great Depression in the 1930s. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still find ways to save money and cut costs during this time of economic hardship. Here are four ways to do just that:

Get A Side Hustle

A side hustle is a way to make extra money on the side. It’s a great way to earn some extra cash during difficult times, and it can also be an enjoyable way for you and your family to spend time together. Some people already have side hustles that they do for free, like taking care of their children or pets while other people are at work. Other people may have hobbies or skills which they enjoy sharing with others, such as teaching classes at the local community center. If you don’t already have one, consider creating something new that will bring in some additional income!

Make A Budget

Your budget is your best friend when it comes to saving money. It’s the only way you can be sure you’ll have enough cash in your bank account at the end of each month, and it’s also one of the best ways to keep yourself from blowing all of your hard-earned cash on things that don’t matter.

To make a budget, start by creating a list of all the income you expect or are guaranteed to receive over a certain period of time—whether it be weekly or monthly—and then determine how much money needs to be set aside for bills like rent and utilities. Next, add up all your remaining income and subtract what has been deemed “necessary” expenses (the ones that come out automatically every month). The remainder should go into savings accounts throughout the year so that when an unexpected expense arises (like repairing a broken window), there will still be enough left over in case something goes wrong with your plan for saving money.

Here are some more tips about making budgets:* Write down everything before writing down any other numbers.* Include both fixed expenses (such as rent) and variable expenses (like food).* Look at past records; this will show which categories tend toward higher spending than others.* Make sure everything balances out!

Shop More Wisely

The recession may be over, but that doesn’t mean you should stop saving money. In fact, it’s even more important now to make sure your purchases are smart ones that won’t end up costing you more than they save. Here are some tips for doing just that:

  • Avoid impulse buys. Impulse buying is one of the most common ways people spend money unnecessarily nowadays. It can happen anywhere—from online shopping sites like Amazon and eBay to grocery stores and gas stations—and can happen with any type of product or service in any amount, from a $5 bottle of soda to a $500 flat-screen TV set. To avoid this common pitfall during the recession, resist spending on things if they aren’t something you need or want right now—even if they seem like good deals at first glance! This will help prevent wasting any unnecessary extra dollars on things that don’t give us long-term value or happiness in our lives
  • Shop around for the best prices before making purchases (eBay coupons). When looking at car insurance quotes or other types of insurance policies such as life insurance policies ask yourself “What company has provided me with better service? What company has offered me lower premiums? Which provider gives me better coverage options? How much do I prefer paying monthly vs annually?” These questions will help guide you towards making an informed decision when comparing companies so make sure all options available regardless if there isn’t much difference between them all because once again we want quality over quantity here!

Cook And Eat At Home

If you want to save money while staying healthy, cooking at home is the way to go. It’s cheaper than eating out and will help keep you on a budget. You can make healthier meals at home as well.

You’ll also find that you have more time to cook if you have less money. By cutting down on going out for fast food or dining out, this frees up your time for some other things (like working out).

If you’re looking for ways to save money on groceries, we recommend using coupons and shopping sales/clearance items whenever possible!

Start saving today!

Save as much money as you can. It is important to start saving now because the recession will not last forever. I have seen people lose their homes because they couldn’t pay their mortgage after being laid off from work. It is much better to live within your means than it is to go into debt during a recession, so try to keep your spending low if possible!

  • Start by cutting back on non-essential expenses such as eating out and going to the movies more often than once a week.
  • If this doesn’t help enough, then consider moving into an apartment or house that’s closer to where you work so that commuting costs are lower every day (and don’t forget about gas prices!). Depending on where you live right now and what kind of job would be best for finding one near home instead – this could make up for some savings in other areas like groceries (if buying them less frequently) or utilities like heat/air conditioning bills which would drop down considerably if living closer together but still close enough distance away from work place).


The recession is a time to start saving for the future. Many people don’t think about their finances until something happens, like losing their job or getting sick. So why not start saving today so that you can avoid these problems in the first place? If you follow these tips, then it will be much easier for you to save money and get ahead during tough times!


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