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Hardest Article Ever Written: Motivation For Dead Beat Losers


Motivation is a great thing. It can help you get started on your goals and it can keep you going through the hard times. But it’s not always easy to find motivation. That’s why this article was written: to help you find your own motivation, so that it can help you achieve your goals!

Motivation, what is it?

Motivation is an internal drive that pushes you to achieve a goal. It’s the reason you do what you do, it’s the force inside of us that helps us reach our goals and overcome obstacles along the way.

Motivation can come from many different sources: love for your family, passion for your work or hobbies, wanting to make a difference in this world… Motivation comes in many forms but it always has one thing in common; it’s an internal force that drives us towards our goals.

Motivation is a great thing, especially when trying to achieve something as big as becoming fit.

Motivation is a great thing, especially when trying to achieve something as big as becoming fit. Motivation is something that you have to find inside yourself. There are many ways that people motivate themselves and there are also different types of motivation:

  • Intrinsic motivation – This type of motivation comes from within the person and can be characterized by enjoyment in an activity or task for its own sake (such as playing sports).
  • Extrinsic motivation – This type of motivation comes from outside sources such as rewards or punishment (like money)

Where does motivation come from?

Motivation is not something that can be bought or found in a bottle. You have to find it within yourself and then use it to help you reach your goals.

It’s easy to say “I’m going to do this,” but if you don’t have any motivation, then it’s going to be impossible for you and all the work will fall apart without any results at all!

A lot of people think that motivation comes from somewhere else.

Motivation is a myth.

Many people think that motivation comes from somewhere else, but it doesn’t. Motivation is something you have to find inside yourself, and there’s no other way around this fact. You can’t rely on other people to motivate you–you have to do it yourself! And if they do help? That’s just an added bonus! But even then, their efforts are only effective because of your own personal drive and determination (and maybe some luck).

It’s not things like a new workout program or a new diet fad.

Motivation is a personal thing. You have to find your own motivation, and it’s not something that you can get from someone else.

You might think of motivation as something like a new workout program or a new diet fad–a quick fix that will motivate you until the next time you feel unmotivated again. In reality, this is not true at all! Motivation comes from inside of yourself; it’s an internal force that drives you forward even when everything around seems bleak and hopeless.

It’s about something inside you coming out and helping you to reach your goals.

Motivation is a great thing, especially when trying to achieve something as big as becoming fit. Motivation can be found inside you and it’s not something that comes from outside of you. It’s not things like a new workout program or a new diet fad.

It’s about something inside you coming out and helping you to reach your goals.

Motivation is something that you have to find inside yourself.

Motivation is something that you have to find inside yourself. It’s not something that can be given to you, or bought. It must be learned and practiced until it becomes a part of who you are.

Motivation is what drives us all forward in life, but it’s also one of the most difficult things for people with low self-esteem and no ambition to master because they don’t believe they deserve success or happiness in their lives

You can motivate yourself, but it takes some time and effort.

Motivation is a personal thing. You have to find it within yourself. No one else can give you motivation, but they can help point you in the right direction.

It takes time and effort to discover your own motivation, but once you do so, it will be worth all of the effort that went into finding it.


So, now that you know what motivation is and how it works, it’s time to find some for yourself. It won’t come easy, but if you keep these tips in mind while trying out new things then eventually you’ll find something that works for sure!


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