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What is FTP?


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to transfer files between a computer and a server. It is a widely used protocol for uploading and downloading files over the internet.

FTP works by establishing a connection between a client (such as an FTP client software) and a server (such as an FTP server). The client sends commands to the server to navigate the server’s file system, list files, and transfer files.

FTP supports both binary and ASCII modes for file transfer. Binary mode is used for transferring binary files such as images and executables, while ASCII mode is used for transferring text files.

FTP is a relatively simple protocol, but it is not secure. It transmits data in plaintext, which means that anyone who intercepts the data can easily read it. For secure file transfers, it is recommended to use a secure FTP protocol such as SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or FTPS (FTP over SSL).