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How to find a cooling solution for your data center


Data centers are one of the fastest growing sources of energy consumption in the world. They use more electricity than entire countries, and they’re also responsible for producing millions of tons of CO2 emissions each year. That’s why it’s important to find a cooling solution that works for your data center—one that saves money and energy while keeping everything running smoothly.

Data centers use a lot of energy

If you’re a data center operator, cooling is the most expensive and important part of your operation. The cost of cooling can be as much as 50% of total energy costs for some facilities.

Data centers use a lot of power–some estimate that they account for 2% to 3% of global electricity consumption–and they need to be cooled down so that servers don’t overheat and shut down or break down completely. That’s why it’s so important that you find an efficient way to cool your facility; otherwise, your business could suffer serious financial losses from unexpected downtime due to overheating computers or other equipment failures caused by high temperatures in the server room (or “data hall”).

Finding a cooling solution that fits your data center

  • Consider the location of your data center.
  • Look at your data center’s energy usage.
  • Consider your data center’s cooling needs, including:

o The size of the building and whether it has windows or air conditioning ducts that can be used for cooling;

o The number and type of servers in use (rack-mounted servers generate more heat than blade servers);

  • Find a cooling solution that fits your data center by considering:

o Cost savings from reduced electricity consumption;

  • Look for a solution that saves money by reducing operating expenses

What are the alternatives to air cooling?

If you’re looking for a more efficient way to cool your data center, there are several options to consider. These include:

  • Water cooling: Water-based systems use chilled water or water as the heat transfer medium. The most common type of water-based cooling system is called “closed loop” because it uses recirculated water that has been cooled by other processes (such as air conditioning). This type of system can be used in conjunction with airside economizers and indirect evaporative cooling, among others.
  • Free cooling: If your facility has access to ambient temperatures below 80 degrees Fahrenheit–and especially if it’s located near one of these sources–freezing temperatures may provide enough natural cooling power without any additional equipment or infrastructure costs! You can take advantage of this by purchasing direct expansion chillers or refrigerators that operate at temperatures below freezing point; these machines will draw heat from surrounding areas instead of relying solely on mechanical refrigeration cycles like those used in typical commercial refrigerators.* Chilled water: Using chilled water instead of air means there is less risk associated with improper humidity levels since all moisture contained within pipes remains contained within pipes rather than being released into rooms full of computers or other sensitive equipment.* Cooling towers: When using conventional evaporative technology such as direct expansion chillers (DXCs) or absorption chillers (ACs), there’s always some risk associated with having too much humidity inside buildings due to poor ventilation systems which could lead towards corrosion problems down line later down road if not taken care properly now before hand rather than after damage already done so best thing do now prevent further damage later down road later next month year 2023 2024 2025 etcetera

How much does it cost to cool a data center?

You can compare the cost of air conditioning to other cooling solutions by looking at the total energy consumption of your data center. You’ll want to take into account both power consumption and cooling tower water usage, as these are two major factors that affect your overall costs.

Air conditioning is often one of the largest expenses for a data center–but it’s not necessarily always the most expensive alternative. When compared with other methods, like evaporative cooling or even using outside air in some cases (as long as it’s dry), air conditioning may actually be cheaper than some other options–especially when you factor in maintenance costs over time.

5 things to consider before you choose a cooling solution for your data center

5 things to consider before you choose a cooling solution for your data center

  • Operational costs. How much will it cost to run the system? This is an important factor, especially if you’re trying to get the most out of your data center budget. You may also want to consider how much electricity each option uses and whether or not it will increase your carbon footprint (this isn’t always as obvious as it seems).
  • Environmental impact. If possible, choose equipment with low emissions levels so that you can reduce your impact on the environment while also saving money on energy bills in the long run by using more efficient systems.
  • Energy efficiency/efficiency ratio (EER). This refers to how much BTU per watt (British thermal unit per watt) is produced by a given system; higher EERs mean less energy consumed per unit of work performed by your cooling equipment

You can find ways to cool your data center that save money and energy.

If you’re looking for a way to cool your data center that saves money and energy, consider alternative cooling solutions. You can save up to 30% on costs by using an alternative solution, according to one study.

There are several options available:

  • Water cooling systems use water instead of air as the medium for transferring heat away from servers and other equipment in a data center. These systems are more efficient than air-cooled environments because they don’t need fans or other mechanical parts; they rely on natural convection currents created by water flowing through pipes inside the rack cabinet. This method also reduces noise because there’s no need for fans running constantly in order to pull in cool air through vents near computer components (which often cause vibrations). Additionally, water-based systems don’t require any electrical power consumption except when pumping out hot liquid–and even then they consume far less than traditional AC units would require just through their initial setup costs alone!


We hope this article has shown you that there are many ways to cool your data center. You can use air cooling, water cooling or even dry ice!


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