A great brand doesn’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, there are many ways to brand your business without spending a lot of money or time. Here are six tips to help you do just that:
1. What’s in a name?
Your brand name should reflect the personality of your business. For example, if you run a luxury clothing store, then “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is probably not going to work. Likewise, if you’re selling discount goods then “High-End Boutique” isn’t going to say much about what you’re offering.
A good rule of thumb is that your brand name should be short (no more than three or four words), memorable and easy to pronounce—and also unique enough so no one else is using it already. Your brand name should also be easy to spell and read by customers who see it on social media platforms or in ad campaigns; this includes both those spelling errors made by people who don’t know how capitalization works as well as typos made when someone types quickly on their smartphone! Finally, make sure that whatever word combination(s) makes up your company name does not conflict with any trademarks owned by competitors (for example: if another company owns all rights under the terms ‘NEW COOL STORE’ then there could be legal issues involved).
2. Define Your Brand
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals.
A brand identity is a set of characteristics that creates an emotional connection between the consumer and what they are buying.
A brand promise is what you are promising to your customers and it is important to define this clearly so you know what to communicate through your branding. It should be one sentence that sums up everything you want people to know about your business in one simple thought.
3. Create a Tone of Voice For Your Brand
- Create a Tone of Voice For Your Brand
Once you’ve established your brand, it’s important to define the voice of your brand. A consistent tone of voice will help reinforce your messaging and create an identifiable feel for the company.
To create a tone of voice guidebook, ask yourself these questions:
- Who is my ideal customer? What do they care about? What are some words they might use to describe themselves or their experiences with my product/service?
- How do I want them to feel when they interact with me or our product/service? Is there any emotion that I want to evoke in them when interacting with us—excitement, curiosity, intrigue, etc.?
Once you have this information collected and organized into one place (we recommend using something like Evernote), use it as inspiration while writing content for your website or marketing materials such as emails, blog posts and social media updates.
4. Put a Face to Your Brand
- Don’t let your shyness or any past failures keep you from getting your face out there. You don’t have to be a celebrity to get noticed, and the truth is that many people prefer doing business with someone they know, rather than someone they don’t. Letting people see what makes you tick will help build trust, which translates into sales.
- Use social media as a platform for showing who you are. It can be anything from posting pictures of yourself at work to answering questions about why you started this business in the first place. This way, prospective customers can see that there are real people behind the products or services offered by your company—people who care about what they do and who want them to enjoy their experience with it as well!
5. Develop Your Unique Selling Position (USP) and Value Proposition
Your USP is what sets you apart from the competition. It’s what makes your business stand out and sell more than your competitors. Your value proposition is a promise of benefits that customers get from doing business with you.
Most people think of their USP as “We offer great service and good prices” but that’s rarely enough to differentiate themselves from their competition enough for it to make an impact on sales or revenue. If everyone else offers good service and low prices, then there’s no need for anyone to buy from you instead of someone else who also sells great service at low prices! What makes one company better than another?
Your USP needs to be something unique—something that cannot be copied by others because they don’t have access to resources or skills required for fulfilling the promise made in your value proposition statement.
6. Consider the Surface and Subconscious Elements of Your Brand
To complete your brand, you need to consider the surface and subconscious elements of your business. Surface elements include logo, color scheme, and fonts. Subconscious elements include the way you talk about your business, the way you write about your business, and how you present yourself to customers.
Subconscious elements are important because they are often what people remember most. They’re also a good way for potential customers to get an idea of what kind of person is behind the company—and whether or not they will like them!
There are many ways to brand your business without spending a lot of money or time
Tremhost offers many different branding options to choose from. They have a variety of plans and designs, so you can find one that fits your needs.
Tremhost has a variety of branding options, including:
- Tremhost Basic – $2/month
- Tremhost Premium – $3/month
Branding your business is a lot of work and it can be very expensive if you hire someone to do it for you. But there are many ways to brand your business without spending a lot of money or time. If you want to save some cash and do it yourself, we’ve outlined some tips above that will get you started on building an awesome brand for your business.