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How often should a small business post on social media?


Social media has become an important way for small businesses to engage with their customers and build brand awareness. While you might think that posting on social media once every few weeks is enough, it’s actually a lot more complicated than that. The answer isn’t single numbers, instead it’s a variety of factors including frequency, content type and audience engagement.

How often should a small business post on social media?

The answer to this question is not a single number. It depends on the type of business, the type of social media, the type of audience and the type of content.

For example: if you’re an online retailer with a large following on Instagram (and let’s say that your average engagement rate is around 10%), then it might make sense to post multiple times per day—but if you’re an online beauty brand with only a few hundred followers and no advertising budget but lots of traffic coming through its website every month, then posting twice per week might be more appropriate for maintaining quality content in front of people interested in what they sell there too.


Facebook is the most popular social network, with over 2 billion users. It has a variety of different platforms that you can use to engage with your audience, advertise and share content.

Facebook Pages are for businesses or organizations who have a business presence on Facebook (i.e., pages for brands). You’ll need to set up an account if you want this feature so I’ll walk through how it works below:

  • Log into your Facebook account
  • Go to “Settings” in the top right corner of any page or post where you’d like to add a custom audience list


Twitter is a great place to start, but it’s not the only social media platform you can use. You’ll want to post regularly on Facebook and Instagram as well as your website.

When deciding how often you should be posting on social media, consider whether or not the content of your posts is relevant to the topic being discussed (and thus valuable enough) in regards to engagement levels and audience reach. For example, if you’re posting about your company’s new sales incentive program at work today and don’t have any followers who will see this post because they aren’t following you yet—you probably shouldn’t bother posting at all! That said: some people might be interested in what it has going on with “your” business; however those same people may also not care about seeing every single thing happening within their organization every single day so we’ve got some ground rules here:

  • Post at least once per day (but no more than twice) unless there are special circumstances such as holidays/events taking place during that period where one might expect less activity from other users outside those instances;
  • Be conscious of when certain hours pass before responding gracefully instead of just ignoring comments altogether;
  • Do not get caught up in trends like #hashtags and #retweets which could lead someone else down an unintended path into spam territory rather than providing value back towards others’ experiences online


LinkedIn is a great place to post new content, like blog posts. It’s also an excellent place to promote your latest blog posts and other useful information.

LinkedIn can be used as a source of inspiration for marketing campaigns and social media strategies, but it’s not just about sharing content—you should also use LinkedIn as a way of engaging with customers directly. By posting updates about industry events or relevant news stories (for example, if you have an upcoming conference), you’ll show them how much they mean to your business by making connections with others in the same field and giving them an insight into what goes on behind closed doors at large companies like yours!


Instagram is a good place to post visual content, whether it’s a video or an image. The platform is also great for advertising and influencer marketing.

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent years. It offers users an opportunity to share photos and videos with their friends, family members, followers and other users on this platform. Users can easily follow other people who share similar interests as theirs by liking or following them on Instagram which helps them stay connected with each other through this social network every day!


Pinterest is a great platform for small businesses to use. It’s visual, which makes it easy for consumers to see how your products or services can benefit them. You can also build brand awareness by sharing images that represent what your business does and why people should buy from you instead of someone else.

Pinterest is also an excellent way to attract new customers because they’re looking at everything they see on their screens — so if there’s something interesting in one of the pins you’ve shared with them, chances are good that person will click through and check out more information about what you have to offer!

The answer isn’t single numbers, instead it’s a variety of factors.

The answer isn’t single numbers, instead it’s a variety of factors. It depends on the type of business, the type of social media platform and the type of content you want to post. It depends on your audience’s interest in your brand and what kind of results you expect from posting on social media. The amount of time you have available for managing these channels can also make a difference in how often you should post.


The bottom line is that there is no right answer to this question. It’s a matter of finding the right balance between posting too little and posting too much. And when it comes to social media, we need to be careful about the way in which we approach this balancing act. We can only truly know what works for us when we actually try it out and see how our audience reacts!


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