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Best Linux Hosting for Your Website: CloudLinux vs CentOS for different business needs along with a review of products and services


If you are thinking of setting up a website, then the first thing to do is to choose between Linux hosting and Windows hosting. But before making that decision, you need to understand what these two types of hosting offer. In this article, we will compare CentOS and CloudLinux, which are two popular open source operating systems used in web hosting. We will also discuss some key factors that can help you decide which one is best for your specific business needs.


CloudLinux is a Linux distribution that has been developed for server use and can be used to create a hosting environment. It offers a wide range of benefits, including enhanced security and stability.

CloudLinux is based on CentOS, which was originally created by Red Hat as a community-supported version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It’s now maintained by the CloudLinux team who continue to add new features while maintaining compatibility with RHEL 7.x versions–the most recent being 7.5 released in 2017.

What is cloudlinux?

CloudLinux is a Linux distribution that was created by CloudLinux Inc. It’s a free, open source operating system that provides a cloud computing platform with tools for managing virtual machines.

It can be installed on any x86-64 computer, but it’s more commonly used on servers than desktop computers. A lot of web hosting providers use CloudLinux as their default operating system because it has been optimized to work in conjunction with their hosting services.

CloudLinux vs CentOS

CloudLinux is a Linux distribution based on CentOS. It’s a cloud computing platform that allows you to run applications in the cloud. CloudLinux is flexible, secure and scalable operating system for hosting and cloud computing.

The main features of CloudLinux are:

  • Support for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture;
  • Use of CloudLinux OS as an operating system;
  • Built-in support for Apache2 server (version 2), MySQL database server (version 5), PostgreSQL database server (version 8) and PHP5 language interpreter with Zend Framework 1 or 2 libraries installed by default;

How to Choose the Best Linux Hosting for your Website

Choosing the right hosting for your website is essential to ensure that it’s performing at its best. There are many options, so it can be difficult to know where to start.

In this guide we will look at:

  • The different types of Linux hosting available and their features.
  • How you should choose the best one for your business needs and budget.

Choosing the right Linux hosting for your website can have a big impact on its overall success.

Choosing the right Linux hosting for your website can have a big impact on its overall success. For example, if you’re running a small business, you may want to consider CloudLinux as your preferred option. This type of cloud hosting provides users with several benefits over other types of web hosting services:

  • Scalability – The ability to scale up or down depending on your needs is important because it allows you to avoid paying for resources that aren’t being used at any given time (e.g., during off-peak hours).
  • Security – Since CloudLinux uses cPanel web management software and Apache Web Server software rather than custom-built code like some other providers do, there are fewer chances of vulnerabilities which could leave your site vulnerable to hackers or malware attacks from within its own network space.*


When you’re looking for a new hosting provider, it’s important to do some research before making your decision. There are many factors that can affect your website’s performance and reliability. The type of server software used by the company will play a big role in determining how well it runs on their network, so make sure it has all the features needed by your business or organization. For example, if security is one of your top priorities then consider choosing CloudLinux over CentOS because it offers more control over permissions while also maintaining efficiency levels through automation processes such as load balancing requests across multiple servers at once rather than waiting until each one completes individually


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